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Questions and Answers
The P2P system, as can be inferred from the name itself, works between players. It allows players to directly sell their skins to other players or buy skins from other players, eliminating concerns about cheating or 7-day trade bans. With this system, sales and purchase transactions take place in as little as 5 minutes. It is worth noting that the P2P system also works in CS:GO.
When a user makes a payment, one of our thousands of bots will send him an offer. This method eliminates all possible third-party interference.
At the top of the page you will find a tile with the word "Contact" click on it and describe your problem in as much detail as possible so that we can effectively help you solve it.
No, there is no way you can be scammed by Skinsmoney if your account is secure. But if you have two transactions during a Skinsmoney sale, one (sent by us) canceled and one (sent by a scammer) sent, accepted and waiting for mobile confirmation, it means that your account information was most likely stolen by scammers. At first glance, you might think that the two transactions were sent to the same account, but if you check their Steam community links, you'll see that they are different accounts. This could be caused by the phishing site you logged into, even if it was years ago.
We are not at fault for such things, as it is not our fault. In such cases, you should reset your Steam password, clear cookies in your browser, and remove authentication of all devices from your Steam account. After that, you will be able to safely sell again.
Normally, you may not be able to see your skins due to a 7-day steam ban.